Anal Bleaching Cream: How to choose
In past articles, we’ve talked a lot about why we feel using an intimate whitening cream in the comfort of your own home is usually a better choice than visiting a spa / salon or going the invasive medical route. We have discussed the drawbacks of some ingredients, most notably hydroquinone as well. And we […]
Preparing for Vaginal Bleaching: Home Waxing
A while back we published an article about shaving that you can read here. Today I wanted to talk about another form of hair removal – waxing. And specifically about waxing yourself rather than going to a costly salon or spa. In our next article we will discuss electrically operated epilators that perform the same […]
Stretch Marks
An article about stretch marks on this site may seem a bit off topic, but considering my audience is mainly women and stretch marks are mostly a woman’s concern (and one of mine) it seemed appropriate to add an article about it to the mix. Common myths about stretch marks This information comes from my […]
Underarm whitening – Tips and tricks
Dark skin patches under your arms is very common. And for many of us, it can be embarrassing. While it is a natural occurrence for many women to have dark armpits, it doesn’t mean they have to stay that way. There are several ways you can lighten your underarms and we’ll talk about them here. […]
Nipple Bleaching – Is it for Me and is it safe to do?
We’ve previously covered topics on such things as vaginal bleaching and anal bleaching. Another type of intimate bleaching some people are interested in is nipple bleaching.
What is nipple bleaching?
Nipple bleaching is no different than any other type of skin lightening. It is when you wish to lighten the color of your nipples and areolas for a variety of reasons.
Preparing for Vaginal Bleaching: Shaving
One thing I realized a while back is that I assume most everyone that comes to my site shave, waxes or otherwise grooms their genitals. After receiving some emails I realized this wasn’t always the case. I received a number of emails asking what the skin brightening creams would do to their pubic hair. Turns out, I don’t know. Because I shave and I naively assumed most women do.
Before and After Photos – Anal Bleaching
A lot of people – me included – are self-conscious of their appearance in their private parts. I started this site because I wanted to feel better about myself, and that included my dark vagina.
I learnt a lot about the subject and finally became intrigued about anal bleaching as well. Turns out there is literally no difference between vaginal bleaching and anal bleaching. The same products I’d already used and trust and the same procedure.
Vaginal Atrophy – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments.
Atrophic vaginitis or vaginal atrophy is the inflammation, drying and thinning of vaginal walls because of little estrogen levels in the body. The disease happens frequently with women after menopause, during breast-feeding or at a time when estrogen production slumps. For most women, vaginal atrophy makes sexual intercourse painful so many of them lose interest […]
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal rejuvenation also known as vaginoplasty or laser vaginoplasty surgery is used to refer to surgical procedures that are done to help support and tighten the vagina and its structures. The surgery is performed to tighten the vaginal opening as well as the inside of the vaginal canal. This is a procedure that is fast […]
Vaginal Bleaching Before and After Photos
Everyone should be able to feel comfortable in their own body, and a lot of times “private areas” are never talked about even though it is human nature. Well, this makes it harder to find information about such areas. Luckily, I have done research which I am happy to post below so that you can see the before and after photos of my own vaginal bleaching.